We have added information on the eTA leniency period VISA information page. However, it is still recommended that everyone for whom the eTA is applicable still obtains one prior to departing for Canada to prevent any delays or other problems entering Canada.
Author Archives: William Volterman
Call for Contributed Presentations
The conference organizers of Ordered Data and their Applications in Reliability and Survival Analysis: An International Conference in Honour of N. Balakrishnan for his 60th Birthday (ODRS 2016) invite abstracts for oral presentations. All contributed oral presentations will be allocated 30 minutes in a 90 minute session allowing for a 25 minute presentation and 5 minutes for discussion.
Submissions focusing on ordered data models, survival analysis, or related areas will be considered. Talks discussing application of these areas are also welcome.
Please see instructions for abstract submission as well as registration and payment.
Registration, payment, and submission of abstracts
Registration forms, online payment, and information for submission of abstracts are all now available.
Important Dates
Important dates for registration and payment are posted.
ODRS 2016 is now live
ODRS 2016 is now live. We will update the remaining information on the webpage as soon as possible with registration/payment details and program details.
Welcome to the ODRS 2016 Conference Website
Welcome to the ODRS 2016 Conference Website to be held from August 7th to 10th at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
The site is currently unfinished but will continue to be updated, when parts of the website are updated we will create an announcement.
If you have any questions find our contact information in the contact us tab.
ODRS 2016 Organizing Committee
William D. Volterman, Syracuse University
Katherine F. Davies, University of Manitoba